About us

‘A flower is beautiful, but a wall hanger completes the picture’

The Sar Wall Hangers company is the passion of Ramon van der Sar. Born into a gardening family from Westlands, Ramon literally grew up among the bedding plants. It was only a matter of time until he became a gardener himself. Every afternoon after school he would join his father Piet and his mother Marjoleine in the garden. Years later, in 2009, Ramon stepped into the wonderful world of wall hangers. At the N. van Geest Wandhangers company to be precise, a company with more than 15 years experience producing wall hangers. With the motto ‘‘A flower is beautiful, but a wall hanger completes the picture’, Ramon has developed into the wall hanger specialist he is today. With his green fingers and a strong feeling for flower combinations and decorations.

Wide assortment of colours and fragrance

At the end of 2017 it was time. Ramon decided to become an entrepreneur and started the Sar Wall Hangers company. At two locations, both in ’s-Gravenzande. This meant he could start immediately with a wide range of products. After all, the more colours there are, the more doors will open!

Paying care and attention to quality and reliability

The most important ingredients in the recipe for growing Sar wall hangers are care and attention. New varieties and plant types are constantly added to the product range to keep it vibrant and appealing. We work closely with suppliers and breeders for testing new varieties and colour combinations. And last but not least: we stand for quality and supply reliability.

We welcome all the opportunities we get from our customers and we want to keep it that way. Do you want to know what Sar Wall Hangers can do for you? Please feel free to contact us to discuss further.

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